
Artist Directory

This is a directory for performing, visual, and literary artists that live in Pitt County, North Carolina. The directory showcases the creative talent in our area as well as promote our artists and connect them with opportunities. All submissions must be approved by Pitt County Arts Council staff and therefore, will not be visible immediately. Image file sizes must be under 5MB.

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Janah Adams

Visual arts: Paintings, Illustrations

Oil paintings, landscapes, portraits, illustrations. I am particularly interested in creating mood through the relationship of light and shadows.

Malaika Albrecht

Literary arts: poet, visual artist

I'm the author of 3 poetry books & the founding editor of online mag Redheaded Stepchild @ http://www.redheadedmag.com/poetry/ & a mixed media artist

Alex Albright

Literary arts: fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry

Writer, researcher, historian, editor, public speaker, publisher

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Christopher Allen

Visual arts: Painting, Mixed Media, Abstraction, Print-maker, Collage, Figure Drawing, Portraiture

The artist earned a BFA from the University of Mount Olive in 2012. He has taught collegiate-level art & design, and now works full-time as a Project Manager while pursuing his creative passions in his spare time. Through illogical configurations of a common style of stained-glass window found among non-affirming South-Eastern churches, Christopher’s artwork invites the viewer to experience adverse feelings stoked by the religious bigot’s irrational contempt of his sexuality.

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Matt Amante

Visual arts: Sculpture

I am a sculptor who enjoys working with metals, wood, and mixed media. I focus a lot of my time on public art and fabricated metals.

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Sim Asher

Visual arts: Mixed Media and Photography

Sim works primarily with mixed media materials ranging from various paints, fabric, found objects, paper and charcoal along with traditional and digital photography. Sim always entertains commission projects for individuals in their residential spaces along with businesses.

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Jacinda Aytch

Visual arts: Graphic Design, Illustrations, Paintings, Graphic Novels

I do illustrations for graphic novels and books, personal illustrations as well as designing posters, flyers. I also do character designs, stylized caricatures and sell prints of my own works along with working on my own graphic novel series, StepSisters.

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Cornelius Baker

Visual arts: oil portraits, pencil portraits, and murals

I love drawing and painting portraits and murals and capturing the true beauty of a person or project. .

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Savanna Bass

Visual arts: Graphic Design

I am a current student at East Carolina University, majoring in Fine Arts, concentrating in Graphic Design.

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Joshua Bell

Visual arts: Graphic Design, Illustration, Digital Art

I mainly design and print t-shirts, but I do a lot of design work creating logos, business cards, etc. I create character designs using pencil and digital art. Special portrait commission available too.

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Brandon Benevento

Visual arts: Graphic Design

I am a senior at East Carolina University about to graduate with a Bachelor of Fine arts degree with a concentration in graphic design

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Lia Biscardi

Visual arts: Photography

Using nature as my canvas and people as my foreground. I am an all-around photographer; I work with landscapes, humans, animals and handmade crafts. I create coasters, framed art, designed wine bottles and canvas art.

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Rose Bogue

Visual arts: Illustration, Graphic Design, Knitting

Rose (they/them) is a creative with a hopeless devotion to Adobe products. In 2021, they received a BFA in Illustration from ECU, where they currently work as a program coordinator. They have experience in environmental design, editing, layout design, social media, branding, marketing, and fine art. Rose earned the 2024 Graphic Design of America Award from GDUSA for their work with Blue Barn Co. on the Greenville Museum of Art Logo.

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Jeb Bohn

Literary arts: novels, novellas, short stories

I create worlds, populated by people who encounter extraordinary situations. My primary genres are suspense, thriller, and horror.

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Helen Boland

Visual arts: Comics, Illustration, Character Design

Bolandartstudio is a husband and wife team who have self-published our graphic novel "Sector Strange." We have also released an adult coloring book, a children's book, a book of short poems, and a compilation of our drawings in a "field guide" We enjoy going to comic cons across the state to sell our work and are trying to push our hobby into a small business.

Jimmy Boston

Visual arts: Music, Jazz, sports, history

My work consist of me breathing in possibility and exhaling creativity on to the canvas from my life journeys through life and my thoughts of different lifestyles of the world today.

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Jonathan Bowling

Visual arts: Sculpture

Repurposed Steel Sculpture, Abstracts and Animals

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Tar River Boys

Music: Bluegrass

The Tar River Boys are Eastern North Carolina's original Bluegrass Boy Band. We've been making Bluegrass for all occasions since the early 1970s. We've played for Presidents ( George Bush), The Chair of the Joint Chief of Staff of the US Military ( General Hugh Shelton) and at all sorts of restaurants, private parties, festivals, and other affairs. We specialize in traditional Bluegrass, but also add our own twist to the music by featuring songs from other genres in a Bluegrass style.

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Josh Branch

Music: acoustic

singer/songwriter style playing with vocals and acoustic

No Quarter! Brass Band

Music: Brass Band

We are a 8 (or 6 if we need to shrink for venue size) piece brass band playing your favorite chart topping hits from the last few decades. We span many genres playing anything from R&B and Hip-Hop all the way to Alternative Metal and everything in between. Besides having incredibly talented musicians in their own right, we have an undeniable presence and a contagious energy!

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Rebecca Breece

Visual arts: Illustration

I am an illustrator that does illustrations for commissions and for various other industries such as editorials, packaging, books, posters, etc. My work tends to have a quiet stillness to it despite my use of colors. I use my work to showcase my feelings that I am unable to express through words.

Rae Brown

Visual arts: Ceramics

Rae Brown has been making pottery since 2003 and is part a collaborative effort with Julie Rogers called A Bit Off Center. Rae graduated from ECU and works as a geologist. She has a home studio in Winterville where she strives to make functional ceramics that bring practical beauty to everyday activities. She has taught adult pottery classes since 2009.

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Kayla Brown

Film: Film Editing

I can edit pretty much anything from commercials, ads, stories, music videos, etc.

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Alysia Bryant

Visual arts: Painting

Hello! The work I enjoy to do includes oil painting materials as well as digital painting. I love to work with faces and physical features like hands, hair, smiles, and my favorite feature to paint are eyes. I typically create my freelance are works that are optional to sale, and also I take commissions for both my oil and digital paintings.

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Van Bunch

Visual arts: painting

I create art in watercolor, oil, pencil, digital, pen and ink.

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Aaron Bunn

Music: Piano

Aaron has played the piano for 28 years, and has been a piano teacher for the past 10 years. He has performed for several Master Classes, piano recitals, banquets and award ceremonies, talent shows, graduations, private dinner parties, Christmas parties, various churches, weddings, and a funeral. Aaron also composes original music for the piano, and also makes arrangements of pieces for piano. He teaches piano technique, music theory, sight reading, practice techniques...and so much more!

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Britney Byrd

Visual arts: Mixed Media, Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Design, etc.

I love art in all forms! I feel passionate about creating my mixed media collages, paintings, etc. In a way that is bold and is intriguing in thought. Art has meaning to me and each piece of mine represents a part or story in my life. It is the way I express myself.

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Adriana Cadorniga

Visual arts: Graphic Design, painting, drawing

I am currently an Art & Design student at ECU. I do graphic design work for commission; logos, flyers, posters, etc. I also love to draw and paint; acrylic and watercolor.

Javan Cain

Visual arts: Oil paintings, water color/gouache, creative non-fiction

I am a painter that enjoys illustrating human figures and surrealist themes imported within them.

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Nancy Cameron-Hubbard

Visual arts: Oil and acrylic painting

<p>My love of art began at a young age and has developed over the years. I currently work in oil and paint portraits of people and pets, landscapes and seascapes. I have taken classes at Pitt Community College, at Jerry’s Artarama and with Glenn Nelson. </p>

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Terri Campbell Payton

Music: Visual Arts, Musical Arts, Performing Arts, Creative Arts, and Applied Arts.

The Greenville Theatre Arts Center (GTAC) was founded in 1992 in the heART of Greenville, NC. GTAC is a Non-Profit Organization established to educate, elevate, and expand the souls of inspiring artist and creative individuals through knowledge, experience, and resources that we provide within the community. We believe that every individual has a unique gift and that gift can be used not to only make the community a better place, but can make the world a more peaceful, artistic environment.

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Sara Caropreso

Visual arts: Ceramics

I am a ceramic artist from Eastern North Carolina. I make wares that are functional as well as aesthetically pleasing and pleasant to use.

Holly Chignola

Visual arts: Illustration

I am a digital illustration who is interested in character design and exploring narrative through visual means.

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David Cicerone

Visual arts: Mixed-Media Drawings

I am a self-taught artist producing mixed-media drawings in the style of Outsider artists such as Henry Darger, Adolf Wolfli and Martin Ramirez. I am also a poet, short story writer and novelist currently finishing an M.A. in English at East Carolina University.

Jason Coale

Theater: Design and Production

I am a narrative designer, having worked in the theater, theme parks, television, restaurants, churches, etc.

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Gina Cox

Visual arts: Encaustic, Textiles

I enjoy working with mixed media. I originally worked within the realm of textiles. Now I am interested in combining encaustics with textiles in any manner imaginable.

Susan Crawford

Visual arts: Paintings

Painting mostly with oil and oil pastels, however use all mediums from time to time. Engage 4 to 5 paintings at one time to keep a fresh eye and rotate between the work.

Morgan Crawford

Visual arts: Graphic Design, Painting, Murals

Morgan is a brand designer and a painter/mural artist. Her experience with studio arts inspire her graphic design style and her graphic design skills support her creative process. She enjoys finding creative solutions whether that is met with brand work or artwork.

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Steve Creech

Music: jazz guitar

I play guitar, mostly the old jazz standards, with some blues, beach,etc. and put together duets, trios, quartets, quintets, etc., as well as solo guitar, for entertainment, dinner music, dances, weddings, receptions, etc.

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Lee Darnell

Visual arts: Photography, Acting, Filmmaking

I enjoy the creating and sharing my vision with others, whether it is photography, www.lee-darnell.pixels.com, or acting and filmmaking, www.leedarnell.com.

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Emery Davis

Music: Singer/vocalist: jazz, Broadway, classical, traditional Christian

Baritone singer/vocalist specializing in jazz standards, Broadway, light classical, and traditional Christian religious music. Performs with recorded accompaniment or with anything from single keyboard/guitar to full orchestra for entertainment, dinner music, dances, weddings, receptions, etc. Featured vocalist with The Emerald City Big Band since 2004.

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Francisco Delgado-Pevia

Visual arts: Painting and drawing

I make figurative paintings and drawings. I primarily use oil paint but I have done work in acrylic before. For drawings, I prefer to use pan pastels. I primarily work on a larger scale.

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Arthur Dietz

Visual arts: 3D Printing: sculptures, props, and multi media creations

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a revolutionary technology that allows for the creation of three-dimensional objects from a digital design. Iinvolves building up the object layer by layer, using materials like plastics, resins, metals, and composite. 3D printing has opened up exciting new possibilities for artists, allowing them to create intricate sculptures, complex geometries, and personalized pieces that were previously impossible to achieve with traditional methods.

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Mamie Dixon

Music: Violin/Mandolin

Musician, Twisted Knot (Folk, Celtic, Klezmer music) Violinist (performer/teacher) Mandolin (performer/teacher) Water Color and Drawing Artist

Scott Eagle

Visual arts: Painting, Digital Painting, Drawing, Illustration, Sequential Art

<p>Scott Eagle teaches painting/drawing at ECU. His paintings and illustrations have been exhibited and reproduced internationally. Publications featuring his artwork include The Oxford American, New York Times, Wired Magazine, Juxtapoz, and numerous books. Scott was selected by Creative Quarterly Magazine as one of their top 100 creatives for 2013. He works in a wide array of mediums including digital and is interested in the idea of the creative act as thinking through making.</p>

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Talia Edwards

Visual arts: Drawing, Ceramics, Murals

I'm a Visual Arts Teacher with the State of NC, and I am passionate about commissioned work including Murals, Figure Drawings/Portraits, and Ceramics.

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Jamie Edwards

Visual arts: Handmade Jewelry

I am a wife and stay at home mom...I started making handmade jewelry in 2012 and have a booth at the LeRoy-James Farmers Market. I have recently started focusing on Diffuser Jewelry, a portable item of jewelry that diffuses essential oils into the air you breathe, in order to support your desire to feel good all day long. I also do custom orders!

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Kara Everson

Visual arts: Illustration/Graphic Design

As an artist, Everson enjoys creating art that comes natural to her. Drawing, painting, or embroidery; Whichever comes naturally to the topic. She loves being able to create freely like a child. Whether or not it’s a fun topic or somber, the ability to let her mind flow is always the goal. Everson has struggled with her mind taking control while creating for years. She has finally beaten through the walls and found happiness in her work through her classes at East Carolina University.

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Charlotte Fitz

Visual arts: Ceramic

My work consists of functional and sculptural handmade ceramic artwork that is inspired by stories, myth, and dreams. I work intuitively to reveal something of the inner and enchanted world.

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Gabrielle Freeman

Literary arts: poetry, painting, drawing, singing

I am a poet, artist, singer, and teacher. My first book of poetry, When She Was Bad, was published by Press 53 in 2016, and my poems have been published in many journals. I enjoy painting, drawing, photography, and working on multimedia projects. My voice type is mezzo-soprano. I have been teaching for the past twenty years at the high school, community college, and college levels. I currently teach writing at ECU.

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Laura Frye

Visual arts: Painting

I am obsessed with watercolor and capturing the moment! My work explores the spontaneous effects of light, shadow, love, life and soul stuff.

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Dewey Funkhouser

Visual arts: Memories On Canvas

acrylic on canvas, farm, flying, baseball, cars, funny, sad and landscape scenes

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Gabriella Galvan

Visual arts: Photography, Painting

I am a current ECU students majoring in Art Education. I work with watercolor, acrylic, and oil painting. I also work with portrait photography.

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Alvin Gardner

Visual arts: Bicycle Art/Parking Racks

I create all types of bicycle art which includes all forms of bicycles from still art to functional bicycles and bicycle parking racks.

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April Garrett

Teaching: Elementary Art

I am a 2014 graduate of Barton College graduating with a BA in Studio Art and Design. I am currently an Art Education major graduating with a BFA in May of 2025. I love art and l love working with kids.

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Madison Gattis

Visual arts: Digital

Specialize in digital illustrations and graphic design. Specifically interested in character design, covers, and poster material.

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E. Sharron Gianessi

Visual arts: Acrylic Paintings

I am an Abstract artist, I use Acrylic paint and create different textures with various brushes and tools.Originals by Norrahs on Instagram. I’ve been told I paint from the soul,therefore each painting is a part of NORRAHS.

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Rachel Gormley

Visual arts: Illustration

I am an illustrative artist with a passion for storytelling. Using a mix of medias I create imaginative pieces often focusing on small interpersonal interactions. My aim is to use this visual story telling to breathe life into books, media, and products.

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Sarah Goski

Visual arts: Painting, Printmaking, Textile Design, Graphic Design

I teach art and music to all ages and create high-quality art for personal and commercial use in painting, printmaking, textile and graphic design.

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Kennedi Grant

Visual arts: Drawing, Animation

I am currently a student at ECU studying animation but I am also experienced in drawing. My specialty is any type of pencil drawing but I especially work great with colored charcoal pencils. You can find my work on my Etsy store.

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Olivia Gravenese

Visual arts: Printmaking

Olivia Gravenese is a printmaker located in Greenville, North Carolina. Her work currently focuses on self portraiture, personal identity, and addressing certain historical and societal views on women and the female figure.

Annette Greer

Visual arts: pottery, jewelry, metals, painting, fabric

Part-time Artist in preparation for retirement! NC State Senior Silver Arts winner in pottery and jewelry. Love nature and biomorphic forms. Pottery, jewelry, metals, painting, and fabric design are my current interests.

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Phoebe Gupton

Visual arts: graphic design

A sophomore student at ECU studying graphic design who also enjoys participating in the visual arts.

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Zack Gurganus

Visual arts: Illustration

I do a lot of illustrations with heavy black outlines and saturated color choices. My work reflects a lot on my childhood with cartoons and movies that I enjoy. I'm able to do many types of styles not just digital but I just love doing things that make me happy.

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Joshua Hann

Visual arts: Graphic Art, Painting, Printmaking

I have done commissioned projects for logos, illustrations for t-shirts, posters, album covers, laser etched wood, and paintings.

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Leif Hansen

Visual arts: Art of tattooing, acrylic and water color painting, and wood cut designs

Owner and artist of Great Wolf Tattoo at 331 E Arlington Blvd. Leif has been tattooing for eight years.

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Nelle Hayes

Visual arts: Painting/Drawing/Ceramics/Mixed Media

<p>A maker who enjoys working creatively with a variety of media and techniques. Love for modeling can be seen in works completed in every media. With clay; patterns of color, texture and metallic bling brings a bit of folkish flair. Modeling with charcoal, paint and mixed media, on the other hand can yield expressively modeled realistic images. People, pets, florals and folk patterning appear repeatedly and so could be considered favorite subjects, all of which are fashioned with love.</p>

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Trish Hayes

Visual arts: Textiles and Photography

Textiles: mixed media installations, beadwork, silk dyeing and painting Photography: playing with light

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Wayne Heiser

Visual arts: Mixed Media

Found & RePurposed - Takes found objects such as doors, chairs, lamps, windows, sports equipment or personal item of the customer to repurpose them into a one-of-a-kind shelves, benches and lamps. Some of the more unusual creations include an outboard engine made into a table lamp, a sled made into shelves, a birdhouse mounted on a shovel, crutches made into shelves, wooden cigar boxes made into lamps, assorted books made into lamps, hockey sticks, snow skis and water skis made into shelves.

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Marsha Hemby

Visual arts: Pottery, painting, stained glass, mixed media

I enjoy hand building with clay more than other genres, but stained glass is a close second. I like whimsical, colorful art, and this is conveyed in bird houses, clay critters, platters, bowls, and other pottery. I majored in art 100 years ago, and only since retirement have I been able to "dive in, head first"! I display and sell yearly at the Pitt Community College Down East Holiday Show in Greenville, NC.

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Raymond Henderson

Visual arts: Current events

Visual Arts painting

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Raul Hernandez Lopez

Visual arts: Animation, Drawing, Digital, Motion Graphics

I'm an ECU student. I specialize in animation and drawing with pencil but I like to venture out in other mediums as well such as digital artwork. I focus on Motion Graphics

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Diane Hignite

Visual arts: Painting, photography, Book illustrating

Acrylic paintings, crafts, book illustrations, photography, signs and posters for community events

Rebecca Ives

Visual arts: Painting

Original Oil Painting: Diverse subjects and approaches with an inclination for nature studies and adventures into fantasy

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Rakia Jackson

Visual arts: Graphic Design, Painting (gouache,acrylic inks, acrylics, oil), Illustrations,

Most of my paintings are representations from my life experiences, dreams, and focus to live mindfully through the universe and keep peace within myself as well as the elements that are around me daily. Crystal healing, mindful meditation, and understanding are a few themes that drive my style in art.

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Jessica Jackson

Dance: Performing Arts

I am in my 12th year of teaching at D. H. Conley High School. I have danced since the age of 5 in private studio, public schools, and at ECU. I have a BFA in Dance Education from ECU.

Judy Jenkins

Visual arts: Canvas paintings

I love painting Marvel & DC comics-- anything fictional-- magical--Disney related :)

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Grace Johnson

Visual arts: Drawing, Painting, Ceramics

As an artist, I create a lot of portrait and floral work. I like to work with graphite, charcoal, clay, acrylic and oil paint.

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Lisa Jordan

Visual arts: Painting, faux finishes, teaching

<p>Owned my art business for over 25 years and I'm one of very few artists you will meet with so many diversity arts to offer! Anything from traditional art to abstract and all in between. I offer customized canvas paintings, faux finisse, furniture, concrete faux finishing, ceiling faux finishes, glassware, art classes, special needs classes, prop making, interior design consulting, and much more! I work both residential and commercial projects. Please contact me for an appointment!</p>

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JD Joyner

Music: Pop, Jazz

I play solo arrangements of popular songs from the Beatles to Sting, including jazz, pop & gospel.

Roger Kammerer

Visual arts: painting, portraits, house drawings, animals

I am a commission artist that works in most mediums, especially in pen & ink, watercolor and acrylic. I do calligraphy, murals and some faux finishes.

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Charvez Keys Jr.

Visual arts: Motion Graphic Animation

I am a Motion Graphics Designer based in North Carolina. My work ranges from design, animation, and many other mediums; however, I specialize in motion graphics, and visuals effects.

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Mickey King

Visual arts: Painting, Drawing and Live event artist,

I’m a portrait and landscape artist, my work can be described as colorful, vibrant and impressionistic. While I creat portraits of working class people, I also work with clients to paint and draw their weddings as a live event artist.

Jessica Landis

Visual arts: Metals

Handmade jewelry

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Sarah Lazure

Visual arts: photography, printmaking, mixed media

I use photography as a non-traditional tool to make images that create my own truth.

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Erica Letchworth

Visual arts: photography

Contemporary portraiture for business professionals and families.

Jenn Lewis

Visual arts: Freelance Graphic Designer/Creative

I am a creative streamer (twitch.tv/ins0mniatic) with an Associate's in Graphic Design. I do traditional and digital art (paintings, illustrations)

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Susan Luddeke

Visual arts: Painting

I paint in oils and my subjects include portrait, landscape, still life. My work is often narrative and verges on magical realism.

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Kathleen Lyles

Visual arts: Pottery

I make functional pottery that is both practical and artistic.

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Tatiana Marcelin

Visual arts: Drawing, painting, sculpting

<p>Hello, my name is Tatiana I’ve lived in Greenville Nc for 18+ years. I’ve always love drawing but never pursued it until I had my daughter 3 years ago. Since then it’s been a passion and my therapy. I am self taught in every aspect of the word.&#160;</p>

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Megan Maxwell

Music: music, visual art, conceptual

fabric sculptor, painter, art instructor, bass player for nu clear twins

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William Moody

Visual arts: Digital Artwork, Digital Animation

Online digital overlay art for Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Stinger transitions, Emotes, Logo Creation

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Dee Morris

Visual arts: Painting

Paint on canvas, mixed media. Focus is on interplay of color and minimized form.

Alison Mossey

Music: Classical, light classical, popular/modern

I am a professional flutist and teacher based in Greenville, NC. I am available for lessons or performances. Email me for more info!

Heather Muise

Visual arts: Printmaking and textiles

Printmaking: lithography, etching, relief, silk screen, letter press, photo-digital and non-traditional techniques. Fibre art, crochet, bead weaving.

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Lupita Nava

Visual arts: Painting, Jewelry, Mixed Media

I am an art teacher who is currently teaching at a school in Bethel, NC. I enjoy working in many different art mediums.

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Yan Nogueras

Visual arts: Drawing, Graphic Designs, Illustrations

I work in a lot of drawing regarding my favorite video games, anime, and cosplayers. Looking foward to be able to animate my drawings

Ashley Norris

Literary arts: Childrens Literature

Ashley writes children’s literature that features girls as the main character learning action adventure sports. Her books focus on plots that are relatable to young female athletes and showcase the strength that women bring to sports. Her mission is to share women in sports with children at a young age.

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Leah Norville

Visual arts: photography, painting

I do professional and fine art photography, acrylic painting as well as commissioned murals. I teach high school art and have taught all levels.

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Rodrigo Pacheco

Visual arts: Printmaking, Illustration

Drawing from influences such as graffiti, surrealism and hip hop I spawn my own creations with finely detailed rendering and an emphasis on craftsmanship.

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Carolina Lily Photography

Visual arts: Photography

We are a team of wedding photographers focused on capturing memories that will last a lifetime.

Kasi Potts

Visual arts: Photography, Sketches, pastels, fiction

I am an art student trying to find her medium. I like to sketch and use pastels and colored pencils in her work. I also do photography, where I focused on landscapes and street photography.

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Tahja Pulley

Visual arts: Painting, Illustration

I do painting and illustrations with the goal of celebrating African American culture and encouraging cultural expression. I am inspired hip hop music, specifically from the 80s and 90s as well as comic books

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Robert Quinn

Visual arts: Mixed Media

I enjoy working in a wide variety of media in a range of styles.

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Robbie Quinn

Music: Singer/Songwriter

I write and perform songs in the vein of singer-songwriter, Americana, and roots rock genres.

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Patrick Reid

Music: Rock, Country, Pop 60’s-today

Solo performer doing mostly acoustic covers from a variety of genres. Mostly focused on the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s, but I have a repertoire that covers the 50’s through today. Stories, jokes, and audience interaction sprinkled in to increase engagement and enjoyment.

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Jess Rene

Visual arts: wet and dry flatworks

I enjoy putting brush or pencil to surface to capture what can be seen as well as what can't be seen. I'm new to Greenville, NC and am looking forward to getting plugged into this new community.

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Gail Ritzer

Visual arts: Mixed Media/Painting/Sculpture

<p>Gail Ritzer is a mixed media artist and teacher. She teaches community art classes at Emerge and GMOA. </p>

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Lisa Beth Robinson

Visual arts: glass, letterpress, papermaking, printmaking

Letterpress printing, book arts, papermaking, fused and kiln-cast glass (collaboration with Kristin Thielking, WI)

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Elizabeth Rodan

Visual arts: Illustration and animation

I mainly work within illustration and animation work focused commissions. Though I'm new to animation so I don't have that much experience doing work for others in that field. I do illustrations both digital and traditional.

Julie Rogers

Visual arts: Ceramics

Julie Rogers has been making pottery since 2004 and is part a collaborative effort with Rae Brown called A Bit Off Center. Julie is a retired nurse practitioner and has a home studio in Winterville where she makes functional ceramics that are elegant and useful. She has taught adult and children’s pottery classes since 2009.

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Carlos Romero

Visual arts: Avant Garde

Early adopter of using blockchain technology in his artistic practice, we look at Romero, winner of the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Avant Garde Art/Music Award- Who's Who in America, to see how artists can continually leverage the latest in technology to further their careers.

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Angel Rypkema

Visual arts: Photography-wood designs-author

Photographer since 2010 and self-published author in 2016. My passion is landscape photography and converting images to HDR. I use photoshop elements and some lightroom software for enhancements. I've written two books search my name in Amazon for more information. One is a book of photos I took on a trip to Capture all seven NC lighthouses. I have a home studio waiting for clients. Summer 2017, I began putting some of my images onto wood milled by my husband. See website for more.

Eric Schreffler

Visual arts: airbrush portraits, music inspired Abstract

The ability to fuse music into his art has given him a fantastic style that blends music and art. His works are created using several different Medias

Chip Shackelford

Visual arts: Blown Glass, Watercolors, Folk Art

Multimedia Artist, has been creating glass art for over twenty years.

Beth Sharpe

Visual arts: Painting

In one series of paintings I work to replicate vintage family keepsakes. A second series focuses on playful animal portraits.

Kolina Simpson

Dance: Performing Artist

I am a dance teacher in a public high school and studio. I love creating movement, especially for modern and tap dance. Teaching and performing is what I do best.

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Tee Simpson

Visual arts: Metal and Jewelry Design, Graphic Design

The work that I create originates from person life experiences, nostalgic senses, and or immediate feelings of expression.

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Xavier Smith

Visual arts: Digital Art

I digitally draw and paint. Some of my works are based on real life situations while others are based off of things I've only seen in my mind. I'm mostly keen on creating things that can tell a story or a person's personality.

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BJ Smith

Visual arts: Paper cutting, Painting

When I created my first stencils 30 years ago, they were a means to get paint onto material. Once I took a picture of a stencil and discovered the beauty of the paper. I like to find the character in the faces of subjects for my cut paper portraits turning the things we try to hide into things of beauty. My goal is to inspire those who see my work to look at faces in a differently, to feel emotion for the people in them, and to help them find beauty in something as simple as a piece of paper.

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Jean Sokolofski

Visual arts: Hand Crafted Card & Shadowbox Frames

Created By Jean - Designs greeting cards and shadowbox frames, as well as scrap books. The majority are whimsical, sarcastic, funny, or even a serious side. The frames and cards can be commissioned in multiples for events and given as company achievement or rewards. The ideas can be used to celebrate hobbies, your pets,weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, sports, graduations and standards such as birthdays, mothers or fathers day, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, or special events.

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AJ Sours

Visual arts: Photography

Photography has always been a passion of mine. In 2015 I began to display my work. I am just now beginning an ETSY store for my photos in an effort to broaden my horizons. I hope to focus my efforts for a strong presence within the art domain. I believe that kodak moments find you and not necessarily the other way around. Landscapes, nature, abstract and cultural imagery tend to fill my camera lenses.

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Catherine Spruill

Visual arts: Painting and Mixed Media

Paintings and artwork inspired by nature.

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Liz Steiner

Visual arts: jewelry/metals, enameling, book arts, found objects, mixed media

Small scale works in metal and/or paper, incorporating natural and man made found objects.

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Michael Stephenson

Music: Classical, Jazz, R&B, Gospel

I am the Coordinator for Music and Drama at Pitt Community College. My wife (Cheryl) and I started the Music Academy of Eastern Carolina (Greenville's only nonprofit Community Music School). I perform with the New Century Saxophone Quartet and I direct the PCC Symphony Orchestra and the Emerald City Big Band. My primary instrument is the saxophone, but I double on most woodwinds.

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Loren Strong

Visual arts: Digital art, illustration, animation, children's books

Digital artist, illustrator, animator, and author who enjoys creating artwork that uplifts and celebrates BIPOC individuals.

Heather Suter

Visual arts: Ceramics

The objective of my artwork is to simultaneously create decorative and utilitarian ceramics. When artwork is functional, people establish a different bond with it, and I take pleasure in being a part of that. I strive for flowing forms, vibrant colors, and intricate surface patterns that give the piece accent lines for its form. My inspiration comes from colors, repetitive imagery, and organic patterns found in nature. I am also interested in the high contrast of black glazes with pops of color.

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Stacey Swinson

Visual arts: Pottery

Mostly functional wares but I occasionally do Raku and horsehair firings.

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Hannah True

Visual arts: Photography and Graphic Design

Photography works include digital manipulation and experimental darkroom works. Graphic design is based on the need of the client, which includes but is not limited to magazine design, newspaper design, posters/flyers, logos, packaging etc..

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Nate Varnadoe

Visual arts: Woodcarving/Weapon design

I carve wooden replicas - in miniature, or 1:1 scale, painted or plain - of swords, knives, and other weaponry.

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Junior Vasconcelos

Visual arts: Painting on canvas, Murals

I like to create organic movements mixed with figures representing life encounters, political viewpoints, and social injustices. I am known for using bright, vivid colors, but am able to do black and white upon request.

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Joshua Vaughan

Visual arts: Graphic Design & Photography

Graphic Design: Logos/Branding, Print & Promotional/Marketing Design Photography: Portrait, Event Coverage, Commercial/Production, Head Shots

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Kiarah Venisee

Visual arts: Design

Visual arts, graphic design;

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Britney Wagner

Visual arts: Printmaking, Pottery, Drawing

Current Senior at ECU majoring in Art Education!

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Karen Warren

Visual arts: Jewelry, mixed media, watercolor

I am a watercolor artist who is inspired by nature and wildlife. I also create mixed media paintings and jewelry using a wide variety of materials.

Margaret Wells

Visual arts: Pottery

I am a functional potter, but also specialize in clay baskets and tobacco leaves that show our Eastern NC Heritage.

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Shari White

Visual arts: Graphic Design, Collage

White is known for her collages and analog inspired graphic design work. She uses bold colors and lots of typography. With clever copywriting, White also enjoys a more carefree approach to design. Specializes in poster design, publication design, and brand identity.

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Amanda Whitfield

Visual arts: Painting, crafts, paper art.

I am the owner of Aj's Designs +. I am a painter, crafter, and paper artist. I do vending at festivals and craft shows along with producing custom crafts and gallery art.

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Richard Wilson

Visual arts: Fine Art, Painting, Drawing, Mixed Media, Custom Framing, Print Publishing, Graphic Design

<p>testMy art is a blend of figurative &amp; landscape works that are nostalgic, and inspired by my optimism and pride of my culture with inspiring and aspirational images from high achievers and icons to historic figures. I've been honored with more than 150 local, national, and international awards through out my art career. I was recently recognized by the Wall Street Journal as "one the most successful artist that you’re likely to meet". See full bio at www.richardwilsonart.com</p>

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Hannah Wiser

Visual arts: Painting

Custom acrylic paintings Prints of watercolor sketches from travels

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Sarah Witte

Visual arts: painting, photography, mixed media

My work comments on the extraordinary beauty that comes from a diverse and inclusive culture. I work primarily with abstract imagery.

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Charlene Woolard

Visual arts: Illustration, Author, Graphic Design, Fine Arts, Photography

Charlene is the owner/creative director of WaterFly Studios. She specializes in Event Packages for kids & weddings. Her offered works includes painted commissions, published children's picture books, wedding invitations, greeting cards, stationery, and photography. She donates books & gift packages to youths and businesses that support youths, along with volunteering her time and art works to support non-profit organizations.

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Helen Wooten

Visual arts: Crafting

I make hand-made crafts, mostly in the large-scale crochet medium, including dolls and toys. I also create hand decorated tumblers and Perler bead items.

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Trevor Wooten

Visual arts: Illustration, Graphic Design, Writing

Logo/ Typeface designs; character designs; book covers, comic book illustrations; page design; Portraits; Manuscripts; Scripts

Emily Yeager

Music: Open minded to any genre

I am a singer/song writer. Solo performances are typically voice and guitar. If you are searching for a band member, I sing, play chords on guitar, piano, and have some experience with alto saxophone.

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Dedicated Men of Zion

Music: Sacred Soul

Harmony is serious business where the Dedicated Men of Zion come from. The group’s eldest member, Anthony “Amp” Daniels, remembers how serious harmony was to his mother. Every day, she would call her children inside, turn off the television, and make them sing in harmony, talk in harmony, do everything in harmony. Singing well together was a virtue that she and her sisters had learned from their own father, and Anthony passed it on to his own children.