
Past Exhibitions

Interested in checking out some of our past exhibitions over the years? Click the postcard image to rewind in time.


Rock the Bus    April 2024

Downeast24    Tiny Art Show 2024    January Exhibition 2024 Postcard


Holiday Artist Market 2023

Mitigation Lisa Beth   The Schwa Show   September postcard 

k-12 exhibition    Rock the Bus  Senior 23

Downeast23  Tiny Art Show 2023   January Exhibition 2023 Postcard


Holiday Artist Market 2022

November 2022   Schwa 2022   September postcard

K-12 Postcard  RocktheBus22     April 22

DownEast 22     Tiny Art 22     Jan2022



Odd Barbie     Schwa 2021     Alumni2021

Koefler_postcard   may 2021   Seniors2021

downeast21   TInyArt2021   Jan 2021 postcard


Holiday Artist Market  nov2020  Schwa 2020

senior Working together postcard rockthebus

DownEast2020 Tiny Art Show Finalversion 02 Jan Postcard 01


Front And Back Holiday Artist Market Postcard  November Show Final 01  Schwa Postcard Page 1

 september 2019k12   rockthebus

   seniorexhibit  downeast  tinyart   january


Final Holiday Card CompleteNovemberexhibit schwashow2018 Septembershow 02

k8 seniorexhibit Down East Card 2018  Final 01

Prince Charming Design Front 01  Schwa Show 18 Card Front Final 01


Holiday Sale Card Front Final Front November Postcard2017 Rebel60 Postcard1 (1) 2 Front September 17

Summer Postcard2017 Rightwaysup Rockthe Bus Front April Postcard Front Down East Card4   Tiny Art Show Final Post Card 1   Schwa Postcard2017 1


Final Holidaycard1109 1 Correctfinal November2016 Postcard Vertical1 Rebel59 Postcard Front Aafm Postcard September2016 Front Summerpostcard16 Rocktehbus1934240 10154113286029614 7207565240532509326 N Ashlyn April Postcard Front2016 1 1 Front Downeastonthewall Tiny Art Show Finalized 2 Front Schwa Final 1


Holiday Market V3 02 November Postcard Front Rebel 2015 Front June Postcard Front

Rockthebus Front2015 Image April Postcardfront Copy Final Downeast Onthe Wall Front Tinyartshow Official

 Small Schwa Show P&E2


 Small November Exhibitions Front Finaledit2 Rebel Postcard Front Postcard June 2014 Front

Rock The Bus 2014 Front 01  Downeast Postcard Front1 Tiny Art Show 2014 Front 01 Postcard Schwa 2104 Front


 Postcard Novmeber 2013 Front Postcard Rebel2014 Front   Postcard Setember 2013 Front

  June 2013 Front   April2013 Front Small  Downeast Onthewall Postcard 2013 Front 01   Tiny Art 13 Image

Postcard Schwa 2013 Font


RichardWilson 2012

Rebel 2012 Page 1    DownEast 2012   Schwa 2012